These Terms and Conditions govern product orders placed with Construct Mall Patras. The applicable General Terms and Conditions apply to every order. They can be changed at any time by Construct Mall Patras. Construct Mall Patras is a Swiss company based in Aarau. The place of jurisdiction is Aarau, Switzerland. Orders to Construct Mall Patras are subject to Swiss law.

Construct Mall Patras uses the data entrusted to the company by its customers while respecting their privacy. Customer data may not be sold, rented, loaned or passed on to third parties


  • Construct Mall Patras strives to supply its customers with only the highest quality products from well-known manufacturers. Our priority is customer satisfaction and our goal is to provide our customers with excellent service at an exceptional value.
  • Construct Mall Patras strives to provide the most complete and accurate product information possible. In any case, customers are advised to consult the specific information on the packaging or the product information on the product manufacturer's website.
  • Construct Mall Patras reserves the right to only supply high quality construction products.


• Payment by invoice, payable in advance.
• Payment by credit card (Mastercard / Visa / Paypal/Twint/PostFinance).
• Additional shipping costs due to an incorrect customer address are at the customer's expense.
• The respective postal shipping company is liable for any loss or damage during shipping. The customer's claims must be asserted directly with him.